100% YAY
Flag: n00bz{7h4nk_y0u_f0r_pl4y1ng_n00bzCTF2023_w1th_u5!}
Flag: n00bz{w3lc0m3_t0_n00bzCTF_2023!}
Given file shows that its just a American sign language
Flag: n00bz{americansignlanguagedecoded}
Checking the form shows a flag input form, so checking the source gave the flag.
Flag: n00bz{1n5p3ct_3l3m3n7_ftw!}
Looks like each 2 numbers correspond to the proton numbers of the periodic table. Just decode it (the flag was slightly different tho).
Flag: n00bz{aeroplane}
Simple script to run this, just do not count 0 as the first number but 1.
from pwn import *
r = remote("challs.n00bzunit3d.xyz", 13541)
for _ in range(100):
r.recvuntil(b"How many ")
num = int(r.recv(1).decode('utf-8'))
r.recvuntil(b"appear till ")
num2 = int(r.recv().decode('utf-8').replace('?\n',''))
a = 0
for i in range(num2):
a += str(i).count(str(num))
if num == 0:
a -= 1
Flag: n00bz{4n_345y_pr0gr4mm1ng_ch4ll}
Connecting to the server shows the source code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
blacklist = ["/","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","setattr","compile","globals","os","import","_","breakpoint","exit","lambda","eval","exec","read","print","open","'","=",'"',"x","builtins","clear"]
print("Welcome to the jail!")
for i in range(2):
x = input('Enter command: ')
for c in blacklist:
if c in x:
print("Blacklisted word found! Exiting!")
When I first saw this I was intrigued by seeing that we are allowed 2 inputs per connection.
So logically I realised that the first input was to clear the blacklist, and the second to read the flag.
I did del blacklist[:]
first which empties the blacklist. Then print(open("flag.txt").read())
to read the flag.
Apparently my solution more elegant then the intended .pop() solution: [blacklist.pop() for i in range(len(blacklist))]
Flag: n00bz{blacklist.pop()_ftw!_7a5d2f8b}
Change the link from /viewform to /viewanalytics.
Flag: n00bz{7h1s_1s_th3_3nd_0f_g00gl3_f0rm5_fl4g_ch3ck3rs}