Web challenges in HSCTF 10



Looking at the webpage shows nothing interesting, looking at source gives flag:


Flag: flag{1434}




Looking at source shows something. However, the real authentication is in the login.js


window.onload = function() {
    var loginForm = document.getElementById("loginForm");
    loginForm.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
        var username = document.getElementById("username").value;
        var password = document.getElementById("password").value;
        function fii(num){
            return num / 2 + fee(num);
        function fee(num){
            return foo(num * 5, square(num));
        function foo(x, y){
            return x*x + y*y + 2*x*y;
        function square(num){
            return num * num;

        var key = [32421672.5, 160022555, 197009354, 184036413, 165791431.5, 110250050, 203747134.5, 106007665.5, 114618486.5, 1401872, 20702532.5, 1401872, 37896374, 133402552.5, 197009354, 197009354, 148937670, 114618486.5, 1401872, 20702532.5, 160022555, 97891284.5, 184036413, 106007665.5, 128504948, 232440576.5, 4648358, 1401872, 58522542.5, 171714872, 190440057.5, 114618486.5, 197009354, 1401872, 55890618, 128504948, 114618486.5, 1401872, 26071270.5, 190440057.5, 197009354, 97891284.5, 101888885, 148937670, 133402552.5, 190440057.5, 128504948, 114618486.5, 110250050, 1401872, 44036535.5, 184036413, 110250050, 114618486.5, 184036413, 4648358, 1401872, 20702532.5, 160022555, 110250050, 1401872, 26071270.5, 210656255, 114618486.5, 184036413, 232440576.5, 197009354, 128504948, 133402552.5, 160022555, 123743427.5, 1401872, 21958629, 114618486.5, 106007665.5, 165791431.5, 154405530.5, 114618486.5, 190440057.5, 1401872, 23271009.5, 128504948, 97891284.5, 165791431.5, 190440057.5, 1572532.5, 1572532.5];

        function validatePassword(password){
            var encryption = password.split('').map(function(char) {
                return char.charCodeAt(0);
            var checker = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < encryption.length; i++) {
                var a = encryption[i];
                var b = fii(a);
            if (key.length !== checker.length) {
                return false;
            for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
                if (key[i] !== checker[i]) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        if (username === "Admin" && validatePassword(password)) {
            alert("Login successful. Redirecting to admin panel...");
            window.location.href = "admin_panel.html";
        else if (username === "default" && password === "password123") {
            var websiteNames = ["Google", "YouTube", "Minecraft", "Discord", "Twitter"];
            var websiteURLs = ["https://www.google.com", "https://www.youtube.com", "https://www.minecraft.net", "https://www.discord.com", "https://www.twitter.com"];
            var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * websiteNames.length);
            alert("Login successful. Redirecting to " + websiteNames[randomNum] + "...");
            window.location.href = websiteURLs[randomNum];
        } else {
            alert("Invalid credentials. Please try again.");

So it checks each value of the key as a, with k being charcodeat of that character, k^4 + 10k^3 + 25k^2 + 0.5k - a = 0. So I wrote a script to bruteforce all characters to get the flag.

s = "_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|} ~"

key = [32421672.5, 160022555, 197009354, 184036413, 165791431.5, 110250050, 203747134.5, 106007665.5, 114618486.5, 1401872, 20702532.5, 1401872, 37896374, 133402552.5, 197009354, 197009354, 148937670, 114618486.5, 1401872, 20702532.5, 160022555, 97891284.5, 184036413, 106007665.5, 128504948, 232440576.5, 4648358, 1401872, 58522542.5, 171714872, 190440057.5, 114618486.5, 197009354, 1401872, 55890618, 128504948, 114618486.5, 1401872, 26071270.5, 190440057.5, 197009354, 97891284.5, 101888885, 148937670, 133402552.5, 190440057.5, 128504948, 114618486.5, 110250050, 1401872, 44036535.5, 184036413, 110250050, 114618486.5, 184036413, 4648358, 1401872, 20702532.5, 160022555, 110250050, 1401872, 26071270.5, 210656255, 114618486.5, 184036413, 232440576.5, 197009354, 128504948, 133402552.5, 160022555, 123743427.5, 1401872, 21958629, 114618486.5, 106007665.5, 165791431.5, 154405530.5, 114618486.5, 190440057.5, 1401872, 23271009.5, 128504948, 97891284.5, 165791431.5, 190440057.5, 1572532.5, 1572532.5]

flag = ""

for k in key:
    for a in s:
        n = ord(a)
        d = n**4 + 10*n**3 + 25*n**2 + 0.5*n
        if d == k:
            flag += a


>>> "Introduce A Little Anarchy, Upset The Established Order, And Everything Becomes Chaos!!"

Looking admin_panel.html:


Flag: flag{Admin, Introduce A Little Anarchy, Upset The Established Order, And Everything Becomes Chaos!!}



I realised it was SQL injection with MongoDB. I reasearched a bit and came across this answer. I tried the payload that was shown in the example: '; return '' == ' as password and admin as username.




Flag: flag{easier_than_picture_lab_at_least}